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With over a decade of steadfast dedication, expertise, and innovation in the aviation industry, we stand as a beacon of reliability and proficiency
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Models: F7X • F8X • F900 • F2000
Models: G500 • G650 • G700
Models Global : 5500 • 6500 • 7500 • 8000
Models: AW109 • AW139 • AW169
Models: 407 • 412 • 429
Models: Legacy • ERJ
Flight Management, NavigationFlight Instruments, DisplaysAutopilot SystemHydraulic SystemFuel SystemElectrical SystemAirconditioning SystemMiscellaneous
Flight Management, Navigation
- Inertial Reference Systems
- Flight Management Computers
- Transponder Panels
- Control Display Units
- GPS Receivers
- Automatic Direction Finders
- Distance Measuring Equipment
- Instrument Landing Systems
- VOR Receivers
- Traffic Collision Alerting and Avoiding Systems
- Ground Proximity Warning Systems
Flight Instruments, Displays
- Primary Flight Displays
- Navigation Displays
- Attitude Indicators
- Airspeed Indicators
- Barometric and Radio Altimeters
- Vertical Speed Indicators
- Engine Indicators
- Horisontal Situation Indicators
- Weather Radars
- EFIS Control Panels
- Integrated Standby Flight Displays
Autopilot System
- Mode Control Panel (MCP)
- Selectors Switches and Knobs
- Yaw Dampers
- Autothrottle Servos
- Automatic Landing System
- Flight Director System
Hydraulic System
- Engine Driven Pumps Hydraulic
- Hydraulic Accumulators
- Reservoirs
- Quantity and Pressure Indicators
- Transfer Valves
- Temperature Indicators
Fuel System
- Fuel Sump Drain Valves
- Fuel Filters
- Fuel Transfer Valves
- Fuel Shutoff Valves
- Boost Pumps
- Crossfeed Valves
- Fuel System Management Cards
- Quantity and Temperature Indicators
Electrical System
- Engine Driven Generators
- Batteries
- Bus Tie Brakers
- Auxiliary Power Units
- Transformer Rectifier Units
- Isolation Relays
- Inverters
- Electrical Load Control Units
- Bulbs and Lights
Airconditioning System
- Shutoff Valves
- Flow Regulators
- Ventilation Fans
- Recirculation Fans
- Equipment Cooling Fans
- Exhaust Valves
- Environmental Controllers
- Humidifiers
- Outflow Valves
- Smoke and Fire Detectors
- Pressure Controllers
- Pressure Relief Valves and Indicators
- Temperature and Pressure Sensors
- Cabin Heaters
- Pneumatic Air Cycle Kit (PACK) and components
- Radio Tuning Panels
- Audio Control Panels
- High Frequency (HF) Radio Stations
- Very High Frequency (VHF) Radio Stations
- Satellite Communication Stations (SATCOM)
- Selective Call Equipment (SELCAL)
- Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System Equipment
- Microphones and Speakers
- Galley Containers
- Coffeemakers
- Ovens
- Seatbelts
- Oxygen Generator Systems
- Life Vests and Rafts
- Emergency locator Transmitters
- Static Dischargers